Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mt. Rainier

On the steps where many people begin to climb Mt. Rainier.

Just above the steps. Yes, son, that is as far as we will allow you to climb.

It is interesting how Mt. Rainier has its own weather systems.

They did not want to stop their hike and pose for a picture. Thanks, guys, for cooperating. I can't even remember the name of the Falls to which we were hiking. I probably wrote it down somewhere!

We went farther down, but there was too much spray to take a good picture.

This is a hike we took -- see that lil orange flag sticking up. That's actually marking the trail that we could not see because of the deep snow. The only problem was, the flags stopped. We kept going until we found some bear poop. Yep, we taught Isaiah how to investigate bear scat with a stick. We found some fur in it. Cool stuff, eh?

Our hike in the snow was soooo worth the views...

Oregon Coast

Of course, we thought the Oregon Coast was beautiful, but is it MORE beautiful than the California Coast? Nope...I think we are partial, Isaiah, too!

Isaiah and Dax on Manhattan Beach

So nice to have the whole beach to ourselves.

Sweet, sweet boy.

Fun with the gulls.

More fun with the gulls.

Love the rippled sand from the wind.

He is in heaven when he has a beach to himself.

Made it to Astoria. This is the view from our hotel room --picture taken through the window at near dark.

Mt. Saint Helens

I remember doing a feature story on Mt. St. Helens for our school newspaper.
 Boy, that was MANY years ago.

Isaiah learning more about this volcano.

We saw an amazing video about Mt. Saint Helens at one of the visitor centers.

Hiking to observe the destruction...

and the regrowth.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Are his eyes closed? Rats! Our double date with my cousin Kent and his lovely wife, Tritia. What a great evening!
Finally catching up the blog. I have a new laptop battery and cord and everything is up and working again. We were fortunate again this year to visit my mom's sister and husband (Donna and Randy) in Sequim, WA. Mom and Dad are staying a full month out there, so our visits overlapped. Yea! A special treat for us this year was to get some quality time with my cousin, Kent, and his family (wife Tritia, son Kai, and daughter Sofia). We haven't seen Kent and Tritia since their wedding...I'm thinking a dozen years ago. So, not only had we not met Kai and Sophia, but neither had Isaiah. Oh boy, what a treat! Enjoy the photos!
Kent and Dad putting up flags on the main road in preparation for the week of July 4th.

Isaiah, Kai, and Sophia helping with the flags.

Kent and Dax...more flags.

The official flag crew. Proudly volunteering...

The annual neighborhood parade. Perfect weather, oceanside loop.

The kids in the parade.

The kids threw candy and had a great time!

The rest of the family watching the parade. Tritia, Donna, Howard, Barb. By the way, Randy was driving the truck.

Kai and friends after the parade. 

Sophia and friends after the parade.

Sisters: Donna and Barbara after the parade.

Donna and Tritia

Ice cream after the parade.

Enjoying the ocean after the parade.

Shrimp boil after the parade.


Fireworks before bed.

Freezing during fireworks.


Fishing and Lake Leland--Kai, Kent, Sophia.

Lake Leland.

Lake Leland as it begins to rain.

Kai fishin' at Lake Leland.

Isaiah, Dax, and Sophia--Lake Leland.

Kent and Tritia--Lake Leland.

Crescent Lake--BEAUTIFUL.

Crescent Lake

Hiking at Lake Crescent to Marymere Falls.

Hike to Marymere Falls.

Kai, Sophia and Isaiah

Isaiah and Kai, fish talk and skippin' rocks.

Marymere Falls


Fishing at Sequim Pond

Kai at Sequim Pond

Sophia and her big catch. You go girl!

Hanging out with cousins--cards.

Fun playing cards.

Our bike ride by the ocean with Kent and Tritia.

Porch Talks--Me, Dax, Donna, Randy, Kent

Smore Time--brrrr...Donna, Becky, Tritia