Friday, June 20, 2014

London to Holyhead, Wales to Dublin, Ireland

This morning we took a taxi from our hotel to the Euston Station in London. 
We then took a train from London to Holyhead, Whales. 
We hopped on a bus to the port and walked a LONG way (with all our luggage) to a ship. 
The ship got us to Dublin, Ireland. 
We jumped in a taxi to our hotel in Blanchardstown, Ireland. 
All that sounds smooth as a whistle, right? 
Regardless, 11 hours later, we arrived at our hotel. 

So, remember the hotel from the previous entry we said you would hear more about? 
Well, this is looking out one of the big front windows across the street to the park. 
This looks like an amazingly peaceful park, doesn't it? It's not quite the same after dark. 
One highlight was getting to see a man pee on that tree in the middle of this picture. 

This is just to the left of that tree--lots of noisy basketball action on that court at night.

This is out the same window to the right. 
Oh the smell of smoke lofting across the street into our open windows.
No air conditioning here--but at least none was needed!
All action came to a halt at about 11 p.m. and we were able to go to sleep.
 I guess curfews are enforced here (unlike at home).
We were, however, greeted with more smoke at 5:00 a.m.

Watching for our train platform assignment at the Euston Station/London.
Quite the busy place.

Virgin Trains (less luggage space above)--we piled all our stuff by the exit door between cars.

Some quality father/son James Bond "ing" movie time on the way to Whales. 

 Now it's time for some poor quality pictures from our train.
 I guess you can click on them and take a closer look if you prefer.

More James Bond.

Poor little boat in the middle.

More lousy quality pictures. 

And another--it really was a nice train ride and quite beautiful. 
Just can't get good pictures.
The weather has been no less than perfect since we left the USA. 

You know we've had quite some experiences around the world with different types of toilets.
This is by far our favorite toilet! 

A restroom that talks to you--
After you click on "open"-just walk right in. 
Then, a pleasant voice comes on and says, 
"Hello! Enjoy your experience, but please don't flush nappies, sanitary towels, paper towels, gum, old phones, unpaid bills, junk mail, your ex's sweater, 
hopes, dreams or goldfish down this toilet."
I just stood there listening to this voice and thought to myself, 
"Did she really just say what I thought she said? I have to listen again."
So, I exited  and re-entered. Sure enough, that is what was said. 
That is when I noticed it written on the toilet as well. 
Oh my goodness, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard.
 It's amazing what a little humor can do for a public restroom experience.

I love signage. It sure sucks the frustration out of normal procedures. 
This is much easier than the Eurostar train with no guidance--just a guessing game of which big button on the floor to step on in order to flush or get hand washing water. 
 This restroom was much simpler! And heck, it talked to you!

One more bad picture. I wish I could have hopped off the train and taken decent pictures of all the sheep, goats, cows, horses, farms, etc.
 Just beautiful.

Loading the bus from the train to the ship. 

Our view leaving Holyhead Wales--starting our journey to Dublin, Ireland. 

Okay, this is pretty amazing. 
This man (red shirt) and his wife (blue shirt/grey hair) were just delightful. 
After visiting with them for quite some time, we discovered that
 they know Dax's customer in Chorley, England. 
Can you believe that? Small, small world.

We have been on many "ferries"--but not like this ship! 
It even had a movie theater, children's play area, store, restaurants, etc.

I went outside to snap a couple of photos. 
Whew, it was sooooo windy and cold.
I could hardly stay standing. 

Back side.

Those of you who know us realize that we do this everywhere we go--
in the audience of Vegas shows, at the Nashville airport on a shuttle bus, at the market in Nanjing, with the Zulus in South Africa. We call this "altoid teeth"--nothing quite like being dead serious and then smiling at total strangers the the midst of normal conversation.
Oh yeah, Mom/Dad thanks for giving me braces.  :)

Isaiah was playing Minecraft while sitting by us and someone kept killing him (in the game).
So, we took a stroll around the ship and found who was responsible! 
He had a great time "minecrafting" with new friends.
Yes, we even had free wifi and phone service. Amazing. 
(Isaiah is in the red shirt).

Almost to Dublin.

Arrived-Dublin Port, Ireland. 

We had a 40 minute cab ride to our hotel during rush hour. 
Loved our driver. Quite interesting. Cheerio matey!
Isaiah was sacked out in the back seat.

Finally dinner!

Last photo of the evening--dinner, done!

Tomorrow, Dax will be working.
 Isaiah and I are looking forward to sleeping in and just hanging out. 

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