Sunday, June 11, 2017

June 10 and 11, Travel Day Warsaw to Paris and then Drive to Port-en-Bessin-Huppain

This is a double blog entry. We went from Poland to Paris on June 10th. 
Then, on June 11th, we drove from Paris to Port-en-Bessin-Huppain. 

JUNE 10-Our Travel from Poland to Paris
Here's a photo of the smokers in the little glassed in area near our Gate 30 at airport in Warsaw.

Dax's seat mate on the plane. She sure laughed at his facial expressions.

 We highly recommend the Hilton at Charles de Galle Airport. Isaiah and his virgin drink.

Waiting for our dinner. Isaiah and I had the most delicious burger. 
Dax had a club sandwich that he will not order again.

Just photos from the hotel.

JUNE 11-Our Drive to Port-en-Bessin-Huppain

We went with Hertz instead of Sixt. 
We waited in line FOREVER even with a reservation.
I used some negotiation skills
 (leaning on the counter with a low cut shirt with my Sixt discount card in hand)
to get a better deal. 
After our extended wait, we walked out with a free upgrade
 and an additional discount for the NEA code I wrote down before we left KC
 (even though I'm no longer a member).
We will wait and see if all the bad reviews on Trip Advisor about Hertz hold true.
They like to claim damage when you return the car. 
Dax always takes tons of photos when we pick it up and return it.
Hopefully, they will out perform their recent reviews. 
So far, we are pleased (except for the wait). 

Sorry for the bad pictures. Everyone is truly happy and having a blast.
The SUV is loaded and our own personal GPS is just for show. 
The one on the vehicle actually works and speaks English. 

 A poor quality photo through the window of the SUV during the drive.

More poor quality photos through the window, but it was a beautiful drive.

 We had to take a photo of the lil' town of Sully (for Isaiah Sullivan Dial).

This is at Port-en-Bessin.

 I can't tell you how beautiful the view on the left was. It is looking down. 
Zoom in on the photo and you will see that they are shells all crammed together. 
The photo on the right is what was underfoot on the beach.
It sounded like breaking glass.

Isaiah had some good finds on our beach walk.
The first 2 photos are of the same shark head. 

 Here is a claw and part of a sting ray.

He would stay here for hours if we let him. 
It reminded him of his reef walking days with his cousins in Okinawa.
Sofi and Kai, you would have LOVED it!

 The left photo is of the "wall" of the cliff--shells stuck in it.
The right photo is what you have to walk on to get to the wall.

Photos of our evening stroll.  

Our current "2-bedroom" place.

These people were absolutely the sweetest couple. And, they had a great store!

Yes, the streets are more narrow than in San Francisco. 
We never met a car.

We opted for a Pizzeria rather than seafood.

Photos at the beginning of the walk, were cloudy/rainy. The photos at the end are full of sunshine. 


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