Thursday, June 15, 2017

What Museum? Which Country? (June 15)

Today was a full, but fun day. We were up until nearly 2 a.m.--but we left our apartment by 11 a.m. 
We didn't really eat breakfast or lunch, we just went to the store and grabbed junk to eat. 
We finally found the correct milk!

Before I get too far into this post, I must warn you--
there are tons of lousy photos and a few really great ones.
And, all of the museum photos are for Isaiah's history teachers and our other history teacher friends. 
So, just skip over them if you are not interested.

Just some of the scenery driving from Malmedy, Belgium to wherever we went. 

After the grocery store, our first stop was Battle of the Bulge Historical Center. 

December 16, 1944: Hitler launched a massive counteroffensive in the west. Kampfgruppe Peiper had the mission of capturing bridges over the Meuse River thus enabling the capture of the Port of Antwerp. The going proved difficult as the track to Ligneuville was impractical. Peiper therefore unfortunately chose a detour of several kilometers that would take his column through the Baugnez Road junction. At around noon on the 17th of December a convoy stuck to its original route. Passing through the junction the American convoy came under fire from Peiper's column forcing its lead vehicles to stop. Overcome by the enemy, the Americans surrendered to Peiper's SS. The Germans took their valuables and placed them in a field just south of the Baugnez crossroads. Under armed guard they were later machine gunned in what has become to be known as the infamous 
"Malmedy Massacre"

Okay, now that you have skimmed those photos, 
we decided to drive through Luxembourg a bit. I think these photos are from Troisvierges.

I think these random photos are on our way to the Bastogne War Museum.

 Okay, more poor quality museum shots from the Bastogne War Museum this time. 
Here you go, history folks.

This is across from the museum. It is the Mardasson Memorial. 

Photos from the top.

On my way down the stairs.

We had a delicious dinner in Bastogne, and ice cream for dessert.

On our way from Bastogne to Germany.


Check out the field of solar panels on the left. 

It is after midnight again! Yikes! Good night.

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