Friday, June 9, 2017

Rest and Repack

Today was a rest and repack day in Warsaw, Poland. 
We did, however, take a walk and eat dinner a couple of blocks away. 
I wish we would have stumbled across this place a few days ago. 
It was absolutely delicious! 

All ingredients are fresh and everything is homemade, even the pasta. 

Made to order pizza for Isaiah (they broke the rules)--just plain ole spicy salami
 (closest thing to pepperoni), cheese and sauce.
 They make their own crust and sauce!

Dax and I both had spaghetti. It was seasoned so nicely!
 Everything is fresh and they cook it right there in front of you. 
The man would not let me take photos of the process. 

We chose to sit here. They had all kinds of seating options.

This is looking down from our upstairs seating.

More seating options. Left photo, a little more intimate. Right photo, more family style.

And, even an outdoor option.

Every restaurant we've experienced in Poland, you use cards. This is how it works.
1. Enter restaurant.
2. Take a card.
3. Hand card to order taker and order your food.
4. Get card back and sit and wait for your food.
5. Eat your food. 
6. Go back to where you entered the restaurant and hand them your card.
7. Pay and leave.

Photos from our walk back to our room.
This city is so clean. Kids playing soccer, basketball, people out walking. 

 This is the pay for bike use station. Note, all the bikes are being used. These are all over. 
It's really cool that they have an air pump for bike tires on the sidewalk, too. 
They also have bike lanes on the side walks. 

Look how peaceful this street is.

Tomorrow, we fly out of Poland.

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