Monday, June 5, 2017

Musee de l'Armée

We have had such wonderful weather in France. Another beautiful day together making memories.
We walked up the steps to Lamarck-Caulaincourt, took the green line and the purple line to exactly where we needed to be. Just around the corner was the Musee de l'Armee. Most of the information for this post comes from museum's brochure/publication. 

 Train was fairly empty on the way there. It was packed on our return trip.

 Walking from the Metro to the entrance. The view to the left is the Eiffel Tower and to the right is the Musee de l'Armee.

 Outside. You can also see the top of the Dome Church where the tomb of Napoleon is located.
This site was founded by Louis XIV in 1670 to house disabled soldiers and veterans 
(the Hotel national des Invalides). 

Approaching. There were rabbits everywhere. They must not have stray cats around.

 More safety. Close up of the front of the building.

Founded in 1905, when the collections of the Artillery Museum and the Army Historical Museum were merged, the current Musee de l'Armee holds and displays one of the world's richest collections of military objects and history. With more than 500,000 arms, amours, artillery pieces, decorations, emblems, paintings and photographs, it proposes a journey through French military history from the Middle Ages to the aftermath of the Second World War. 

On the front right of the entrance.

Once inside, the middle area (the parade ground).


Walking to Napoleon's tomb.

 Inside the Dome Church-Napoleon's Tomb

This is the area to the left and the right of his tomb.

The picture on the left is walking out of the museum. Just couldn't resist the sky. No filter. 

On our walk home, it was really difficult to not buy more potatoes and another chicken. 
We needed to eat up our leftovers tonight, so we had sandwiches and some noodles.
 Just now finishing a load of laundry, so we can repack for another adventure tomorrow.

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