Tuesday, June 20, 2017

London to Glasgow, Perfect Day

It is amazing what 6.5-7 hours of sleep (in one night) will do for you. We made it to Euston Station with time to eat breakfast. Well, really, there was no breakfast, so Isaiah had Burger King and Dax had Starbucks. It is entertaining to go to Starbucks with Dax. When they ask him his name he says "Handsome." He is asked to repeat it and he says it again. When asked his last name he says, "Stranger." So, they never believe him (I have no idea why) and this is what he gets. They just don't "get it"--

I love my two crazies more than anything. They are the best travelers!

A wonderful lady working for Virgin Trains let us pre-board (since we bring the whole house with us when we travel). She set us up nicely with a table and electrical outlets. 
Oh, and tons of legroom and a spot for all our bags.

 Just proving to A. Caspari that the boy really does read on occasion.

 The trip to Glasgow was perfect. Arrived safe and sound.

 Checked into hotel (less than a mile from Glasgow Central) 
with no problem and took at cab to dinner. 
These two NEVER stop!

Those boys and their virgin pina coladas or however you spell it.

 Glasgow Central on our way back from dinner. 

After dinner we went for a family swim. We had the place to ourselves and the water was warm. 
Just a lovely family evening. We laughed so hard. 
I'm wondering now if they really left out the alcohol. Virgin pina coladas? 

Tomorrow is a travel day and an adventure, I'm sure.

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